Harpy Eagle

This is a beast of an animal - The Harpy Eagle - largest of all eagles. The female weighs up to 9kg

Some Of The Greatest Physicists

Isaac Newton,
Max Planck,
James Clerk Maxwell,
Michael Faraday,
Richard Feynman,
Marie Curie,
Nikola Tesla,
Werner Heisenberg,
Paul Dirac,
Galileo Gallilei,
Satyendra Nath Bose,
Michio Kaku,
Ernest Rutherford,
Niels Bohr,
Erwin Schrödinger,
Alessandro Volta,
Joseph John Thomson,
Guglielmo Marconi

Of course a few other great physicists are missing like Howard Robertson, Hipparchus, Edwin Hubble or Karl Napf (among other the inventor of the bread soup) etc. but we cant put them all on a limited paper.

Project "New California" - myth or reality? Crimean California - War and Peace

Back in the 20s of the 20th century, the idea of creating a Jewish autonomy in a spars...