A List of German Pseudo-Patriots

Recent events have shown that the political theatrical stage reached excessive extent. The political elite splits the people into left and right, the left stage is represented by the government and the right by pseudo-patriots, I think it's obvious that they are exposed and supported by the same wirepuller. Youtube is pushing these accounts, another suspect matter of fact, but if you see the connections, it all makes sense. 

Trumpstein, Alex Jones, Mike the kike (Enoch) are just a few more examples of pseudo patriots, since his loyalty is more to global interests than to the own folk, but that's nothing new, it has always been with these aMeRiCaN pReSiDeNts.

I recommend to not consuming any newspaper and media anymore, it all serves the same purpose, it's time wasting and brainwashing. You may think politics is the ultimate thing that defines and forms a society, but it's not, it's you and your fellows, don't forget that. We shall not approve that system.

Here is the list of German pseudo patriots:

Oliver Janich, 

Timm Kellner, 

Hagen Grell,

Martin Sellner, 

der Volksjude (Nikolai Nehrling), 

Heiko Schrang, 

The whole AfD is a traitorous system party, the leaders of the identitarian movement (not inevitably the followers) too

and many more...

Welcome To The 21th Century!

Imagine your account has been suspended on many social networks, not for hate speech, not for adult content, not for spam, not for propaganda, not for offending and harassing, not for commercial, but for being critical!

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